Written by Sunny Skye on 2022-12-20

Once In A Blue Moon

For a long time I had this idea about a Blue Chameleon's hanging out with the Moon. Just like me he has many colors, but when he found the Moon and they became best friends, he realizes Blue is his true color. Hence "Once In A Blue Moon". I used ChatGPT to help me make the poem. It's not bad. I might even recite it one day!

"Once in a blue moon, a sight to behold
A blue chameleon in an astronaut helmet, so bold
Flying through the vast expanse of space
With the moon as its best friend, they embrace

The blue chameleon's scales shimmer and shine
As they glide through the stars, with the moon divine
The astronaut helmet protects its head
As they journey through space, tales to be spread

The chameleon blends in with its surroundings
But in space, it stands out, with a bright blue glow
The moon and chameleon, a sight to behold
As they journey through the cosmos, stories to be told

They explore and roam, from galaxy to galaxy
Having the time of their lives, wild and free
The adventures they have, are endless and grand
As they journey through space, hand in hand

So let us all take a moment to appreciate
This friendship between a chameleon and moon, so great
May they continue to fly, forever and more
In the endless expanse of space, they'll always explore

Once in a blue moon, a sight so rare
A friendship between a chameleon and moon, beyond compare
So let's all raise a toast, to these space-faring friends
May their adventures never end!"